
October 2, 2014

New Helmet

A few quick things before I post the pics.

1) As a uniform geek, I celebrate newness of any sort.  So, hooray.

2) I think this helmet looks okay overall, but basically draws a "meh" from me.

3) It'll look pretty good over the all-white uni, which is what we're wearing Saturday night.

4) I would have preferred matte navy, white, or pure shiny chrome.

5) I also would have preferred a modestly-different new uniform to go along with the new helmet.

6) Make sure you wear white if you're going to the game Saturday night!


  1. Agree anon, I love these helmets, really sleek.

    1. I hope the team plays as hyped up as those helmets look - they're great!!!

  2. I'll give the dissenting comment: I think they're pretty dumb looking. Not like, maryland dumb, or anything, but I'm unimpressed. I do, however, care very little - and if the players are hyped, all the better.
